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12 He is a thumb sucker & blankie lover...

Oh the joys of motherhood... listening to others tell you how it should be done & what shouldn't be allowed. Yada..yada..yada... Well that defines motherhood for this gal. My little guy is officially 16 months and still has a strong habit of thumb sucking gasp! And I'm okay with it.. Bigger Gasp! I think I am pretty much fed up with hearing people say "take that thumb out of your mouth" I seriously would enjoy karate chopping the next person that tells my little guy that. So maybe I'm being a little angry, but seriously... 

As  I sat there boldly telling him NO! Thumbs don't go in your mouth...I saw such a confused look on his face & then... there came the cutest smile ever. And of course the thumb went right back in that mouth. So what the heck if people have their opinions! He is my baby, who is very healthy & happy. So screw them & their advice of putting hot sauce on his thumb and other cruel ways to get him to "break" the habit.  It makes him happy and if I must say it is the cutest thing in the world to see him grab his blankie a jam that thumb in his mouth. 
So for now we will be happy and try to ignore the wonderful mommy advice we receive. =D


  1. i can't believe someone would suggest you putting hot sauce on his thumb! that is so mean. he's 16 months for crying out loud. to me that's still a baby and entitled to do so. you go momma, stand your ground. you'll know when the time is right.

  2. My daughter sucked her thumb until she was 7 (although from 5-7 she really only sucked it while sleeping). Our dentist was totally OK with it. He said if it had continued, we'd discuss options to help her stop. But, she did it on her own.

    I loved that she was a thumb-sucker. She would comfort herself to sleep every night! ;)

    1. That is comforting to hear. And YES I love thumb sucking at night ;)

  3. Don't you love the advice you get as a mom? Once, I handed my son off to someone to hold him (he was about 18 months) and when they left the room he started crying, and instead of bringing him back to me, they later told me that they kept telling him that he wasn't going to get his way. He was just 18 months and he just wanted me! My blood boiled and needless to say this person never gets to just hold him and walk off with him anymore. If a baby wants their parent, give the child back!

    Haha, enough ranting, that topic just irritates me. Good for you, let your little one suck his thumb until you are ready to change it, not when anyone else says!

    ((I'm a new follower of your blog, and love it! Your little one is adorable)).

    1. Wow! I would be beyond angry as well if someone did that. Some people amaze me.....Glad to have you along and Thanks!

  4. Haha I love your expression about karate shopping people and their opinions. Here here, I might adopt your technique the next time a stranger tells me how I should be raising my child. Well a thumb in the mouth is better than my daughter's habit of finger up the nose (lol) now when I ask her not to do it she also gives me a cheeky smile and it goes right up there. Let kids be kids. My brother sucked him thumb for years and he (and his teeth) turned out fine.

    1. OMG I just cried laughing so hard lol! Kids I tell ya! I'm pretty sure I will see lots of nose picking days as well lol

  5. Thanks! I sure will check it out and Happy New Year to you as well! :D

  6. Your newest follower via GFC Bloglovin and Twitter. Visiting from the Monday Mingle.


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